Monday, April 21, 2014

finding confidence

Why do I act differently around different people? Why do I only show my true self to my family? Even with most of my closest friends I am on the quiet side. Why was I afraid to get close with people in middle school and high school? Why didn't I have those spiritual conversations I wanted to have (and probably should have had)? Nothing bad happened in my life for me to be like this, I just have always been quite introverted, and that's okay. What's not okay is how I started viewing myself how society views women my sophomore year of high school, self-confidence shaken. Soccer players on my school team whom I looked up to were talking about diet, something I had never though of as a fifteen year old and never needed to. But they were not fat, and so their comments made me wonder about myself. I never was anorexic, but my eating was very disordered: less eating, even more exercise. Looking back, I looked sick physically (I progressively restricted was bad toward the very end of this journey), and I know my mind and heart had been screwed with. I had offered this harsh world a piece of my soul, which led to less self-confidence. I still keep active, but less sports, especially since I am in college. College did help me to eat normally (most of high school I had abnormal fluctuating eating) since the dining hall is all you can eat...self-discipline and dessert are difficult words to pair together. I will no longer deny food or worship it. I need to treat my body well, especially as a woman, with whole foods (not under-eating or overeating) and exercising (not too much, not too little; I personally enjoy running, biking, and swimming!). My body is a temple that does not belong to the world, but to my Creator. And in order to be more confident and strong, I must find my confidence, and ultimately my identity, in Him and Him alone. I choose to change now and start my journey towards pure and true confidence, confidence that is not of this world.

Never forget that the model in the magazine does NOT really look like the model in the magazine.

Be your own individual.

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