Saturday, April 5, 2014

Joy vs Happiness

I used to think that joy and happiness are the same, but I have become literaturized (yes I just made that word up) and educated since. Happiness is an emotion that generally comes from experiences and circumstances. On the other hand, joy is much deeper and stronger and comes from our Creator. Happiness is an outward expression, whereas joy is inward contentment.Therefore, happiness is short-lived and joy is lasting. Joy is a state of felicity; happiness is brief delight. With all of this mind, it is difficult to argue against joy because don't we all desire everlasting peace and exuberance? I encourage you to seek joy rather settling for temporary happiness, especially since on the other side of joy is Perfect Love and Peace.


  1. Good thing your last name is Joy not Happiness! I find that my happiness grows out of my joy. Pastor Matt has always said, "Joy is what you experience when you are in the presence of The King." Pretty cool that we can experience it daily as we walk w/ Him through the seasons of life. Thanks for the reminder of the difference between the two!
