Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dream with Great Expectations

One of my favorite songs proclaims, “Lord we come with great expectations.” For so long I believed that I had did not have a right to ask God for things or to do things because He already knows the future and I did not want to change what would happen. I can now see how silly this is. God desires us to pray audacious prayers. When we come to the Lord with great expectations, we are showing Him that we know He can do anything and everything, that He is all powerful. When we have great expectations of Him, we desire Him to do something that reveals His glory, and THAT is worth wanting and expecting.
            I dream of a life overseas, bringing spiritual restoration to western Asia. I have dreamed of living overseas since I was 9 years old, and I have dreamed of bringing spiritual restoration to western Asia since I was 14 years old. I also dream of being a world traveler, and I feel sorry for those who have no desire to travel. YOU ARE MISSING OUT. Traveling abroad is very educational and exciting. You meet wonderful people and explore God’s glorious creation. I dream big, and when I dream big, I dream big for God because my goal is to bring glory to Him in all that I do and bring glory to Him throughout the earth. This is my dream because God so amazingly and lovingly dreamed life for me and you, so I want others to fall in love Him like I have.
            Are you restless? Are you unhappy? Do not settle; reach for the stars and dream BIG. If your dreams align with God’s dreams, He will make your dreams come true, and they will probably be better than you expected.


  1. Johannah!!! I didn't know that you had a blog! It brings me SO much joy!!! I LOVED reading about the dreams and desires that the Lord has placed in your life! Thank you so much for the encouragement to approach the Lord with GREAT expectation!!! I'm praying for you as you start to pack and prepare for your upcoming trip :]

    Love you!
    Tori Hoskins

    Ps. I just started my blog a few days ago and I'm planing on posting for the first time in a few days :] I feel like this makes us blog twins or something just as beautiful :]

    1. Tori!! I am so excited you have a blog! :) And thank you so much for your prayers!! I am ecstatic to be your blog twin! ;)
      ~Much love
