Thursday, June 27, 2013

American Dream

There is a song by Casting Crowns called "American Dream." A part of it reads:

His American Dream is beginning to seem
More and more like a nightmare
With every passing day
"Daddy, can you come to my game?"
"Oh Baby, please don't work late."
Another wasted weekend
And they are slipping away

As I get older, I realize that a career and family are hard to mesh together. I have never really wanted "The American Dream", whatever that is. I feel as though the American Dream is a cycle...repetitive. The American Dream reminds me of a 9-5 job. When I think of a 9-5 job, I think that it is difficult to pursue happiness because it seems as though you hardly get a break, downtime.

Most of you know that I have always wanted to live overseas. I love traveling because it reminds me of how great God really is. Going out into the world reveals His creative imagination of land and people groups. Personally, living in the States makes it so easy for me to live in my own little world. I truly believe that living overseas, especially in a place where you must learn the host country's language due to English not being dominant, making an individual "forced" (or obliged) to make connections with the locals. Sometimes, I learn the most when I am exploring God's creation and talking with His people all around the world.

The American Dream is different for everyone, but do you even want your dream to be "American"? Make the best of reality, but don't let "reality" stop you from chasing your dreams.

Monday, June 10, 2013

I follow the Creator of all things because...

He is my Hope in a hopeless world.
He knows me and my desires better than I do.
He loved me before I was born.
He forgives the unforgivable in you and me.
Despite our sinfulness, He has always and will always love us.
He chose to create me (and with purpose!).
He chose the cross so that you and I don't have to.
He never leaves my side.
I want to explore His creation with Him.
His timing is perfect.
He comforts me when no one else can.
Without Him, I am so restless.
He is faithful despite my unfaithfulness.
Only He can satisfy my thirst and hunger (which then makes me long for Him all the more which is good!).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What Moves You?

As I am realizing that I do not know what I want to major in, I have had to ask myself a lot of questions. Even though it is frustrating that I do not really like the small offering of majors at my school, the Lord is really making me search within my heart of "what moves me" and to not let that shape what is and isn't offered at my school. It is actually quite intriguing to think hard about what I really enjoy doing. It is even more intriguing (and calming) to know that God has known my passions since before I was even born. I have even been THANKING Him lately for knowing my passions even when I do not. The chorus of one of my favorite songs right not is as follows:

Don’t stop the madness
Don’t stop the chaos
Don’t stop the pain surrounding me
Don’t be afraid, Lord, to break my heart
Just bring me down to my knees, yeah

Sometimes when things are going too well for me, I tend to shrug God off, but when He brings chaos in my life, I begin frustrated and confused but I end up on my knees crying out to the Lord and seeking Him. So, even though I so badly want God to reveal to me what my major is and what my career is, I am enjoying being on my knees seeking the right relationship I need with Him, and being at peace with the fact that He will reveal in due time. For now I just need to be happily in love with Him.