Tuesday, March 25, 2014

One True Love

If you know me well, you know that I have a lot of "favorite" songs because words mean so much to me. One of my favorite songs right now says, "til You are my one desire, til You are my one True Love." These lyrics remind me that no matter what and who He holds in my future, He is my One True Love. All too often, people idolize relationships, being in a relationship, idolize that person they are in a relationship with, the wedding, and even idolize the idea of marriage. If we shifted our focus on the One and only True Love, then we can love one another better. After all, we love because He first loved us.

Monday, March 10, 2014

earthly luxury or spiritual bliss?

Ahhh comfort. It is so convenient. But in this life, we are not called to convenience. We are called to step out of convenience and into inconvenience. Suffering on earth helps us long for our real Home. We are to be a generation of risk takers who embrace discomfort, because quite frankly, our lives and this world do not belong to us; we are blessed to even have grace and unending love from our Creator. So what kind of risks should we be taking? Risks that save souls. We are so undeserving of the grace we have been given, and this should give us the desire to tell the world the magnificent News! We all need Perfect Love and Perfect Mercy, but people have yet to be told and this Love.