Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Giver of Life is Everything we Need

Knowing that there are people groups, even nations, in anguish who live in deep despair (physically, but especially spiritually), I cannot sit and stay in such an advanced country knowing that there are deep cries where He is not yet known. I am not necessarily saying that I want to go to a third world country because there are advanced countries that have rural areas where the thought of God is not thought or spoken of much, let alone His Son Who paid it all for us. I desire to help those in anguish overseas because that is when I feel closest to the Son; it is much easier for me to go through the motions and not be as grateful as I should be for the all that I have been blessed with from my parents and the Lord when I am in America. I have been learning lately that when I am stripped of things that allow me to be comfortable, I realize the goodness of the Lord and I praise Him more. Difficult situations are blessings in disguise because that is when I realize that God is the only thing and only one that I have and need. He never leaves nor forsakes us. He is Life!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

You Just Gotta Look Up

Last night I decided to go for a run, but indoors on a treadmill. While I was walking from my dorm to the gym, I looked up. Whenever I look up, I am always awestruck by the majesty of God. The things that God creates in the sky that leave me breathless are sunsets, sunrises, the pure blueness that the sky sometimes is, beautiful bright fluffy clouds, and the stars at night. Though I like to think that sunsets are my favorite, really it is the stars that are my favorite because with the darkness of the sky and the twinkle of the stars, I can better see that Earth is round because the sky looks rounded. Though the stars are seem small, I know that they are much bigger than that, and I then realize how much God created with very few words. Earth seems massive to us, but compared to everything else that He created (including us, His children!), it is not all that ginormous. I think, as part of His creation, we need to dwell more on all that God has done, is doing, and will do. We need to let Him leave us breathless more often.

And sometimes, you just gotta look up and allow God to humble you and bring you down to your knees.